
Zex is a silvery-green (later black) Makai Armor that specializes in long sword and shield combat in the Anime Series. Whoever wields this armor will take the title of the Zex the Cunning Knight (翠瞑騎士ゼクス, Suimei Kishi Zekusu) it was retitled as Zex the Dark Knight (暗黒騎士ゼクス, Ankoku Kishi Zekusu) after it was corrupted. It is exclusive to The Carved Seal of Flames, once belonging to Bernardo Dión. The armor was lost as the sword dissolved along with Bernardo following his death.


Zex was originally silvery-green in color. After it's corruption, it became a demonic black armor with a purplish tint, golden shoulder pads, and a red cape. The armor constantly generates a dark aura because of Bernardo's corruption.

For combat, Zex is armed with a makai sword and shield. In normal conditions, the makai sword takes the appearance of a straight sword while the shield resembles an ordinary targe shield. Once activated, the makai blade becomes an ornate longsword with the shield becoming a larger ornate shield that resembles a heater shield. Each of Zex's weapons has a special power: the shield is capable of shooting energy projectiles nad the sword can perform telekinetic feats for long-range offensive attacks. It's unknown whether these special abilities are gained upon its corruption, let alone whether it can conjure Madō Flames for performing Blazing Armament or the ability to fire energy blast is actually its version of Blazing Armament itself.

For combat assistance, Zex has his Madōba, Senkaku. Aside from the generic ability of madōba such as strength, speed, agility, and durability beyond a normal steed, Senkaku can also transform into a large drill that can be equipped to Zex by combining it with his sword and shield. Similar to Gōten, Senkaku can turn Zex‘s sword into the Zex Horse Slayer sword, a larger version of Zex Sword.


  • Sword and Shield Proficiency: Zex is an armor specialized in sword and shield combat.


  • Zex Sword and Shield: Zex can use his left-arm shield to defend while using his right-arm sword to attack.
  • Senkaku: Zex's Madō Horse, which he can fuse with to make a powerful drill weapon.


Zex+Madoba Unnamed Zex Combination:Zex can combine with his Madō Horse Senkaku to form a drill weapon. This form was powerful enough to cause an explosion that managed to knock out both Zex and Zoro from their users. The form also requires Zex's sword and shield to combine with the Madōba to complete it.





  • Much like how Zoro is analogous to Zero, Zex seems to be analogous to Kiba.


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